You received a score of out of 30. That’s great!
What does this score mean? It’s really a judgment call, but here is a general idea:

Take a break from seeking a partner, focus on your life and prepare for the relationship you want.

There is no such thing as being perfectly “ready;” what matters is that you are clear and conscious about whether or not you’re currently (meaning NOW) ready for the relationship of your dreams, or if your time would be better spent developing some important areas of your life to become ready.

If you’re not ready for a committed relationship you can still date, just take it slow and don’t become exclusive until you’ve addressed any issues that might sabotage your relationship and have the tools and strategies needed to find your soul mate.

If have any questions about Conscious Dating or you’d like to chat about your quiz results with a trained Conscious Dating coach I’m happy to make themselves available to you at no charge here They’re waiting to hear from you!