
Center for Self Improvement, Inc. 

We improve relationships, motivate and encourage clients to get Fit with proper nutrition as well as exercise. 

Come on ladies 50+!  Let’s get Fit today! 

 Get the LOVE back in Your Marriage!  Stop all the arguing in your relationships!  

A healthy sound body and mind enables you to feel strength!  Dance Zumba and get Fit with a Personal Trainer today!

“Marriage is built between God, a man and a woman together to form a lovely, caring, committed couple forever!”

“Learn to appreciate each other by Forgiveness and Gratitude”   

“A Healthy Body, Mind and Spirit comes from taking care of ourself with proper rest, relaxation, exercise, plant based foods, water and skin care.” 


Find out which areas of life you are looking to improve on The Wheel of Life!

Relationship Coaching Programs

(Take our Relationship Quiz)

Fitness and Wellness Coaching Programs