The Center for Self Improvement, Inc improves people’s lives by supporting health, wellness, and relationships.
Our mission is to encourage people to get the Results of their transformation by being determined, persistent and expectant. “When You do the WORK it takes to make changes to your mind, body and spirit (soul), you will definitely see those results that you expect to accomplish.”
We offer relationship, fitness and wellness coaching to all kinds of people that are really interested in changing their lives: i.e. improving current relationships or starting new ones, health, diet, nutrition, fitness, and weight loss.
We love coaching people to reach their full potential by finding out about their current path, destination and goals.
One example of a new transformation that my family and I made was to move from the North East (NY) to the South West (CA). We went through many challenges to move out here. Now we are living proof that results do take place once clarity develops in the mind. We have had this dream to move out to the West Coast since 2008. Now we live here and love it!
Another example, I personally created and continue to achieve my results is by being in the mindset of great fitness and wellness experts. In April 2010, I started on my own journey to improve my health and diet in the Plant Based vegetarian/vegan community. I not only feel amazing, since I started out developing my awareness and understanding of the digestive system, but I actually dropped over 30 lbs in the first year. I continue feeling better, healthier and more fit because I am constantly setting new goals each year.
Today, December 2022, I am not only eating plant based foods, but I am now vegetarian and love it. Yes, I do still eat poultry, but I love Tempeh, and Tofu with my vegetables.
I am also a Zumba Fitness instructor for seniors, and dance 6 days per week along with doing strength training 3-4 days per week. I am in the best shape of my life, and I don’t remember thinking 15 years ago that some miracle like this would ever exist for me. This is such a life changing desire that I secretly have had in my heart since I was a teenager. I feel great!
I am now also a Personal Trainer for women over 40+.
What kinds of actions, plans, dreams and intentions do you have?
Success is the effort you put into all the work you do to get amazing results that can be achieved throughout YOUR journey!
Look what people can do at any age when they really want to enjoy life! We are constantly working on ourselves and with other people to create a better world out there.